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Keywords: dosimetry protocols
SU-I-GPD-P-10Development of An On-Line Chamber Registry for Reference-Class Ionization Chambers
M McEwen1*, B Muir2 , S Davis3 , (1) National Research Council, Ottawa, ON, (2) National Research Council, Ottawa, ON, (3) McGill university Health Center, Montreal, QC
SU-I-GPD-T-309Absolute Dosimetry with a Single Crystal Diamond Detector
N Manohar*, T Wang , X Jiang , S Dresser , A Siddiqi , T Liu , A Dhabaan , Emory Univ, Atlanta, GA
TU-E115-GePD-F9-4Evaluating the Plan Quality and Treatment Efficiency for Single-Isocenter/Two-Lesion Lung SBRT
L Sanford*, J Molloy , R McGarry , D Pokhrel , University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
TU-K-DBRA-3Development of An Independent Peer Review System for a Small Animal Irradiator
M Peters*, R Howell , R Tailor , S Smith , S Kry , J Niedzielski , D Followill , D Craft , T Fujimoto , C Taniguchi , S Krishnan , MD Anderson Cancer Ctr., Houston, TX
WE-C1000-GePD-F7-2Efficient Method for Combining Flatbed Scanner Calibration and Lateral Response Correction in A Single Scan for Radiochromic Film Dosimetry
T Ren*1,2, J Bourland1,2 , (1) Wake Forest School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC, (2) Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC
WE-C1030-GePD-F1-2CT Dose Monitoring: Initial Experience with Dose Monitoring Software
Z Zhang*, B Schwarz , L Rill , university Florida, Jacksonville Beach, FL